The 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (MICAI-2010) is organized by the Mexican Society on Artificial Intelligence (SMIA) together with the Intelligent Computing Research Group of the Autonomous University of the State of Hidalgo (UAEH) through the next committees:
SMIA Organization Committee:
Conference chair:
Carlos Alberto Reyes García (
Program chair:
Grigori Sidorov (
Arturo Hernández Aguirre (
Workshop Chair:
Gustavo Arroyo
Tutorials Chair:
Rafael Murrieta
Plenary talks and grants chair:
Jesus Gonzalez
Best Thesis awards:
Miguel Gonzalez
Doctoral Consortium:
Oscar Herrera
Miguel Gonzalez
Promotion and Special Issues in Journals:
Alejandro Peña
Local committee:
Felix A. Castro Espinoza:
Joel Suárez Cansino:
Phone:(+52)7717172000 Ext 6734