Poster Presentation Guidelines
Getting To Pachuca
Download Poster and MICAI thryptic
Useful local information
Registration Fees
Scope Of MICAI 2010
Invited Speakers
Local Tours
Sister Conferences
Doctoral Consortium
Call For Tutorials
Conference Program
Call For Best Theses Awards
Student Grants
Call For Venue MICAI 2011
Talleres De Los Grupos De Red TIC Del CONACyT
Planillas Para Mesa Directiva SMIA 2010-2012


Intelligent Computing Research Group is located inside the Academic Area of Computation and the next map indicates the exact location of the building. For some information about 9th Mexican International Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2010 (MICAI 2010), please contact to:

Felix A. Castro Espinoza:

Joel Suárez Cansino:


Phone:(+52)7717172000  Ext 6734

The tutorials address:

Carretera Pachuca – Tulancingo Km. 4.5, Ciudad Universitaria, Colonia Carboneras, C.P. 42084, Mineral de la Reforma, Hidalgo, México.


See Map Closer



Workshops and MICAI paralell tracks and keynotes address:

Abasolo # 600, colonia centro, Pachuca, Hidalgo, CP. 42000

See Map Closer 




Intelligent Computing Research Group