Producción Científica Profesorado

Electrochemical Study of the Localized Electrodeposition of Co Onto a Polycrystalline Gold Substrate

Mendoza Huizar, Luis Humberto


Jair Azael Corona, L. Humberto Mendoza Huizar, Giaan Arturo Álvarez Romero, Margarita Rivera Hernández, José Manuel Saucedo Solorio. Electrochemical Study of the Localized Electrodeposition of Co Onto a Polycrystalline Gold Substrate. ECS Trans. 2021, 101. 409


Cobalt is a metal widely used in the computer industry because is a fundamental component. This has motivated an important research activity about the synthesis of Co particles at the nano and micro level. Microelectrodes (MEs) have been employed to analyze the Co electrodeposition process because their small dimensions allow the formation and growth of a minimum number of nuclei. In the present work, we employ a Co-ME as source of cobalt ions in order to electrodeposit cobalt onto a polycrystalline gold electrode. We placed a Co-ME on a specific position over the gold electrode surface. Then a dissolution potential pulse to the Co-ME was applied. At the same time, a deposition potential pulse to the gold electrode. Thus, it was possible to electrodeposit cobalt particles onto the gold electrode in a specific position.

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