Producción Científica Profesorado

Catalytic Properties of Ni-Mo Carbide and Nitride Phases Supported on SBA-15 and -16 in the Hydrodesulfurization of DBT

Guevara Lara, Alfredo


Aguillón-Martínez Edgar Caleb, Melo-Banda José Aarón, Guevara L. A, Reyes T. A., Ramos Galván. C. E., Silva R. R., Domínguez J. M., Catalytic Properties of Ni-Mo Carbide and Nitride Phases Supported on SBA-15 and -16 in the Hydrodesulfurization of DBT, Advanced Materials Research Vol. 132 (2010) pp 111-125, Online available since 2010/Aug/11 at (2010) Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, doi: 10.402, ISSN: 1662-8985,


n this paper, the incorporation of carbide and nitride phases supported on mesoporous materials like SBA type is described in order to obtain a better material than commercial catalysts (NiMoS/Al2O3, Sg=269 specifically in the HDS of dibenzothiophene. The XRD patterns exhibit the presence of carbide and nitride phases in each series, respectively. In the nitride materials, the presence of oxide phases was more evident than in the carbide catalysts. The principal product was biphenyl (BF) for all the analyzed series. This behavior suggests that the DBT desulphurization pathway for the carbide materials was similar to that of sulfide catalysts. Bicyclohexyl (BCH) was analyzed as a product, and cyclohexylbenzene traces (CHB) were determined in a single catalyst (NiMoC-2%P/SBA-16). This was attributed to the hydrogenation character of carbide catalyst reported previously.

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