Board of Trustees

We represent leadership, experience and institutional fortitude

The Board of Trustees of Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, stands as the force of support and management before the challenges that the State University faces day after day. Because of its social commitment, its historical tradition and its positive influence in education, culture, progress, and in general in the public life in the State of Hidalgo, as well as its humanistic and scientific vocation to improve the quality of life of every person, our University stands as the means of transformation by excellence to the people of the State.

This Board is the point where the university come together with the most noteworthy and diverse sectors of society, so that, together, we can strengthen our University and thus become a linking bridge between the University and many other organizations in Mexico and other countries, in order to establish and develop relations and cooperation mechanisms that offer better conditions and new opportunities to the university community.

In a time of great changes, questions, new challenges and opportunities, our institution is placed at the forefront and ensures, increasingly, the fulfillment on its mission, which requires us to provide the optimum conditions to all people within the university community and to provide options for growth and welfare in different areas to society in general.

The possibility that have of providing support as a board of trustees places us above the current situation taking place in our country, and with high-mindedness, we trace the correct path to winning the future through forecasting, planning and the full deployment of our potential and capabilities. We have overcome many challenges and, without a doubt, we will also overcome the current situation and that of the years to come. If in the past we established our constitutional autonomy, today it is imperative that we conquer our financial autonomy and continue the expansion of our university, and build together the growth of Hidalgo and Mexico.


To contribute to the consolidation of the financial autonomy of Universidad Autonoma del Estado de Hidalgo, improve the conditions and benefits for the university community based on the performance and merit of its members in the fulfillment of their responsibilities; and strengthen the presence, recognition and image of our institution through the design and development of new projects and funding sources; the creation of supplementary stimuli and incentives for the faculty, students, university officers and administrative workers; the establishment and development of new relationships and mechanisms of cooperation with institutions in Mexico and other countries, and the reformulation and strengthening of the task of the university extension.


The board has managed to establish itself as an essential reference and it is highly regarded as an efficient, transparent and solvent organization in the generation of new funds for the University and the preservation of its heritage. It offers the University community the best conditions for the performance of its responsibilities and new benefits based on the merits of its members. It has a large and solid network of inter-institutional relationships and it offers new mechanisms of cooperation for obtaining funds that will strengthen the compliance with the basic goals and functions of the University; and it supports the extension work of the University to keep our institution in a position of leadership and recognition in the dissemination of knowledge and culture.