Laura Conde-Báez, J. Castro-Rosas, J. R. Villagómez-Ibarra, J. B. Páez-Lerma, C. Gómez-Aldapa. 2017. Evaluation of waste of the cheese industry for the production of 2-phenyl ethanol. Acta Universitaria. 27(3): 57-64
The cheese industries generate two types of whey, sweet (SW) and acid (AW). Few studies have used both types of whey to produce 2-fenilethanol (2-FE), as well as nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) to determine the percentage of ?-? in each type of whey. We assessed the production of 2-phenyl ethanol (2-FE) by Kluyveromyces marxianus using as SW and AW as substrates. Both types of whey were treated at pH 4.8 and pasteurized at 63 C for 30 min with an initial inoculum of K. marxianus (1×106 CFU/mL). The identification and quantification of 2-PHE was performed by gas chromatography (GC). We then determined the (?-?) lactose by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR). K. marxianus was capable of producing 2-FE in the two types of whey in obtaining maximum concentrations of 0.44 g/L and 0.32 g/L, respectively. For SW, we found a concentration of ?-lactose 82.35%.
Effect of the particle size on the activity of MoOxCy catalysts for the isomerization of heptane
Estudio químico de cinco plantas mexicanas de uso común en la medicina tradicional
Antioxidant constituents from Geranium bellum Rose
Lead, Cadmium and Cobalt (Pb, Cd, and Co) Leaching of Glass-Clay Containers by pH Effect of Food