Determination of nitrites in commercialsausages by anthocyanins degradation.Experimental design and optimizationGalan-Vidal C.A., Castaneda-Ovando A.,Paez-Hernandez M.E., Contreras-LopezE.(2014)Journal of theMexican ChemicalSociety58 180-18
With the purpose of obtaining the main factors in the nitritequantification by bleaching Roselle anthocyanins, an experimentaldesign (23) was carried out. The control factors were ultrasound, timeand temperature at two levels (?, +). Results for sausages analysiswere obtained by the colorimetric method of AOAC 973.31, and theproposed spectrophotometric method. Statistical analysis show thatresults do not differ significantly. A better linear calibration range isobtained using this new method. The main advantage is the reagentsthat are used are cheaper
High-performance liquid magneto-chromatography
Determination of primary amino acids in wines by high performance liquid magneto-chromatography
Evaluación del contenido de metales y su efecto en la estabilidad de antocianinas
Prevalence and Antimicrobial Resistance Patterns of Salmonella from Different Raw Foods in Mexico