Producción Científica Profesorado

Application of an Activated Carbon-Based Support for Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Spectrophotometric Determination of Tartrazine in Commercial Beverages.

Páez Hernández, María Elena


Rodríguez, J. A., Escamilla-Lara, K. A., Guevara-Lara, A., Miranda, J. M., Páez-Hernández, M. E. Application of an Activated Carbon-Based Support for Magnetic Solid Phase Extraction Followed by Spectrophotometric Determination of Tartrazine in Commercial Beverages. International Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2015, Vol. 2015, p. 1-8, ISSN 1687-8760


A method is presented for magnetic solid phase extraction of tartrazine from nonalcoholic beverages. The method involves the extraction and clean-up by activated carbon covered with magnetite dispersed in the sample, followed by the magnetic isolation and desorption of the analyte by basified methanol. The tartrazine eluted from the magnetic support was determined by spectrophotometry. Under optimal conditions, the linear range of the calibration curve ranges from 3 to 30?mg?L?1, with a limit of detection of 1?mg?L?1. The method was validated by comparing the results with those obtained by HPLC. A precision of 5.0% was obtained in all cases and no significant differences were observed .

Producto de Investigación

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