Producción Científica Profesorado

Isotherms of moisture sorption in barley (Hordeum distichum L.) growbbn in the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Prieto García, Francisco


Judith Prieto Méndez, Francisco Prieto García, Otilio A. Acevedo Sandoval, María A. Méndez Marzo. Isotherms of moisture sorption in barley (Hordeum distichum L.) growbbn in the southern state of Hidalgo, Mexico. Sylwan Journal (Septiembre 2014), Vol. 158(9), 482-494,


The adsorption isotherm curves provide information useful for storage and drying processes. The isotherms show the relationship between the relative humidity and the humidity of the grains at a constant temperature. In this study, the data of moisture balance Hordeum distichum L. grown by adsorption were determined at 20-25 C and water activities of 10 to 80.6% using the static gravimetric method. Two mathematical models (Henderson and Pfost Chung modified) were used to compare the experimental data. The moisture content adsorbed at equilibrium for the barley grain was relatively high compared with that set standards for the production of malt at the end of 25 days and this is indicative of the times of storage temperature conditions 20-25 C and relative humidity above 50% should be less than 20 days. The modified Henderson model offered the best option for assessing the adsorption isotherms of barley grain with better regression (0.91) that the model of Chuang-Pfost

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