Producción Científica Profesorado

Ag covering of A304 stainless steel from photographic and radiographic residues

Reyes Cruz, Victor Esteban


3.V. E. Reyes, Pedro A Ramírez O., and M. A. Veloz ?Ag covering of A304 stainless steel from photographic and radiographic residues?, capitulo 11 del libro Theoretical and experimental advances in electrodeposition de la Editorial Research Signpost (2008). p 179-192, ISBN 9788130802244


In this work it is proposed a silver covering on an economically viable material like A304 stainless steel, which is easily attainable and could be used in new application areas. Studies of micro-electrolysis and macro-electrolysis are made to find the energetic conditions at which the covering of A304 stainless steel with silver of the residues of the photographic industry is carried out. Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-ray Diffraction studies were used to corroborate the presence of silver on the A304 electrode covering.

Producto de Investigación

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