Molina, M. M., Moreno-Armendariz, M. A., Cruz-Cortes, N., & Seck-Tuoh-Mora, J. C. (2012). Prey-Predator Dynamics and Swarm Intelligence on a Cellular Automata Model. Applied and Computational Mathematics, 11(2), 243-256.
A two-dimensional Cellular automata model describing a prey-predator system, where the movement of predators is modelled through Particle Swarm Optimization is presented. Simulations of the model show that density dependence is only present when the social factor of predators is low enough to allow the dispersal of individuals across the lattice of the model, or when the magnitude of the oscillations around the best position found by the swarm are large enough to allow a fast coordinated movement of particles across the cellular automaton.
Reproducing the Cyclic Tag System Developed by Matthew Cook with Rule 110 Using the Phases f(i-)1.
Modeling a Nonlinear Liquid Level System by Cellular Neural Networks
Pair Diagram and Cyclic Properties Characterizing the Inverse of Reversible Automata
Elementary cellular automaton Rule 110 explained as a block substitution system
How to Make Dull Cellular Automata Complex by Adding Memory: Rule 126 Case Study
Unconventional invertible behaviors in reversible one-dimensional cellular automata.