Producción Científica Profesorado

Ni and W interactions in the oxide and sulfide states on an Al2O3TiO2 support and their effects on dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization

Alvarez Hernandez, Alejandro


Cruz-Perez Alida Elizabeth, Guevara-Lara Alfredo, Morales-Ceron Judith Pilar, Alvarez-Hernandez Alejandro, José Antonio de los Reyes, Laurence Massin, Christophe Geantet, Michel Vrinat. Ni and W interactions in the oxide and sulfide states on an Al2O3TiO2 support and their effects on dibenzothiophene hydrodesulfurization. Catalysis Today, In Press, Corrected Proof, Available online 13 April 2011. Elsevier, Holanda. ISSN: 0920-5861. doi:10.1016/j.tetlet.2011.05.040


In order to determine the species distribution at different steps of catalyst preparation, NiW/TiO2Al2O3 catalysts were prepared by aqueous impregnation with solutions at pH = 4 and 9, respectively. Raman and UVVis diffuse reflectance spectroscopies for NiW/TiO2Al2O3 precursors showed that during impregnation step Ni2+OhW12O4110? entities were formed for pH = 4 and 9. After calcination, Ni2+Oh/WO42? and Ni2+OhW12O4110? species were identified for solids synthesized at pH = 4 and at pH = 9, respectively. Calcined catalyst impregnated at pH 4 displayed the highest Dibenzothiophene (DBT) hydrodesulfurization (HDS) activity for this series. This high activity was related to a higher concentration for the NiWS phase for the catalyst prepared at pH = 4 than that at pH = 9, as evidenced by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). It could be suggested that impregnation at pH = 9 allowed a high NiW interaction, forming Ni2+OhW12O4110? precursor and consequently, an inefficient sulfidation. Besides, for catalyst impregnated at pH 4, Ni2+Oh/WO42? precursor underwent a more complete transformation to NiWS phase and led to a higher DBT HDS activity.

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