Language Center

Historical Background

In order to organize the language teaching and learning process at the UAEH, on June 1st, 2000, it was created the Office of Languages (DUI) as part of the Division of Teaching in accordance with the Art. 87 of the UAEH Bylaws.

Initially, DUI had three departments: Creation of Programs, Evaluation, and English Teachers. In the year 2007, the Departments of French and Italian were created, and later the Department of German joined the team.

In 2012, we started the project Make It Real! (MIR) which is intended to generate English teaching materials for both high school and undergraduate levels. As part of the project, there is an English teaching platform called mironline.

In the year 2015, it is created the Department of Translation and Interpretation.

As of March 20, 2017, DUI becomes the Language Center (CEL) in accordance with the Title Five, Chapter IV, articles 122 and 123 of the UAEH Bylaws.

CEL is now integrated by the Departments of German, Spanish, French, and English, Translation and Interpretation, Language and Culture Practice, and Development of Language Teaching Materials.

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